October 3rd 2024
Colin Schimandle wants YOU to sign up for POPs.
POPs (peers offering positive solutions) is a teen leadership event that focuses on positive decision making and team building exercises. On November 14th, selected high school students from Coal City, Wilmington, Reed Custer, and Morris High Schools will attend an ALL DAY school function at the Christian Church in Morris.
Check out the Toy Story Flyers throughout the school & scan the QR code to sign up & learn more or reach out to either Mr. Warner or Ms. Marsala!
Sign-ups for Homecoming Spirit Night Games and Homecoming Pep Assembly games are now posted in the library. Stop in to help your class win the Spirit Stick!
Here are your Coaler Safari dress-up days:
Thursday, 10/3: Class Color Day (Freshmen-Red, Sophomores-Blue, Juniors-Purple, Seniors-Orange)...Homecoming Shirts in your class color will be available to purchase soon!
Friday, 10/4: Coaler Spirit Day
Dress-up day flyers are on your class bulletin boards, the main Student Council bulletin board by the small gym, and will be on social media!
Homecoming Tickets will be on sale during Homecoming Week. Tickets will be available before school in the Events Entry. On Thursday, tickets will be available before school and during lunch periods in the Events Entry. After C lunch on Thursday, absolutely no tickets will be sold. Homecoming tickets are $20 apiece. If you are bringing a guest who is not a student at this school, you MUST have your COMPLETED out of district guest form in-hand when you come to purchase tickets. Any questions? See Mrs. Peterson or Mrs. Vucsko!
*Date Request Forms for the Homecoming Dance are now available in both the Administrative and Student Services office! Anyone wishing to bring a guest to the dance who is NOT a current CCHS student must have this completed in-hand when purchasing their tickets for Homecoming. Outside guests must be no younger than freshman in high school and under the age of 21. See an administrator, Mrs. Peterson, or Mrs. Vucsko with questions!
Coal City Girls Golf makes school history by becoming Regional Champions!!!
They will advance to the IHSA Sectional at El Paso Golf Club on Monday.
-Thursday October 10th at 6:30 wrestling parent meeting in Cafeteria